Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco De Mayo Weekend

A great Cinco De Mayo weekend in Detroit.  There is never a shortage of things to do in he Detroit area, and this weekend was no exception.

Friday night my wife and I went to see keyboardist Luis Resto at Jerry's Pub in Brooklyn , Michigan. Luis is best know for his collaborations with Eminem, but holds his own when performing with his own band.

Saturday afternoon was spent cruising the streets of Detroit to enjoy the plethora of new murals sprouting up all over town, compliments of the MSK graffiti crew from Los Angeles, who painted the town up as part of the Detroit Beautification Project. That night we went to my closing reception for the Beyond Borders exhibition in southwest Detroit, which was highlighted by the "Blessing of the Lowriders" ceremony held outside on the front grounds of the gallery. A great event, that culminated one of the better art exhibits I've been a part of. At midnight, we went with our friends for a quick run to Lafayette Coney Island, and ordered two with light onion, chili fry well done, and a coke.  Nirvana!

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