Thursday, August 16, 2012

Woodward Avenue and the Dream Cruise

Today is the Woodward Dream Cruise in the metro Detroit area.  The culmination of a summer long celebration of car cruising, in the world capitol of automobile culture.  Roughly 40,000 classic cars, along with 1.5 million people will pack Woodward Ave, the first mile of paved highway in America. Ground zero for the event is 13 mile and Woodward,  a popular meeting place for street rods during the sixties and seventies.

Dodge Coronet

Despite it's popularity, there is a rather large contingent of mostly white suburban Detroiters who despise the cruise. Local police can be lumped into this group as well.  Complaints run the gamut; ranging from the excessive noise and traffic, to the bigot minded variety, people who are easily annoyed by the sea of cultural diversity that converges upon Woodward for a week. And if you're a cop? Well.... you might have to work a few hours of overtime to help 1.5 million people celebrate the industry that built this city from the ground up. So please do us all a favor and spare us the aggressive rage, and let a beaten down city blow off some steam for a few days. The line at the Donut Cutter may be longer than usual, but no need to worry, it will all be over in a few days.

Despite the excessive whining, these car lovin' idiots generate $56 million dollars of their hard earned cash in the metro area, and to the dismay of the nay-sayers, have a good time in the process. Not a bad deal eh?

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