Monday, May 11, 2015

Hantz Farms

John Hantz is a capitalist who made his fortune in the financial services industry. He is also the owner of a controversial piece of property that is now being developed into an urban forest, on the east side of Detroit.

In 2012, after years of negotiations, the city handed over 140 acres of land to Hantz. It will take years, even decades, before we truly see the effects of this grand social experiment, but with an army of volunteers, and what appears to be a limitless amount of cash, Hantz continues to move forward with his plan.

Opponents looked at it as a corporate takeover of Detroit land, and are fearful of the effect it will have on small community gardens and DIY economies that exist in the area. How disruptive the plan is to the local economy remains to be seen, but for now, Hantz Woodlands is becoming a reality.

©tom stoye

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